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Downtown Safety and Growth

The BBC is looking to develop an initiative in partnership with the Downtown merchants, the Town, the Bennington Police Department, the Community Policing Advisory Review Board, and the community as a whole to continue the conversation on how we can make Downtown as safe as possible and welcoming to new businesses.


This concept was introduced to the Downtown merchant community at the BBC's Beans and Bagels event on August 29, 2024 as a jumping off point. We are now reaching out to everyone for their thoughts and comments.

Below are some initial ideas to get us started. Please use the form below to share any input or suggestions you may have!

While we have you... we are also asking a few marketing questions. 

Once we have received your feedback, we will use that guidance to develop a draft initiative which we will then share for review. THANK YOU for your interest and participation!

Ideas for the Initiative:
Build Awareness & Community Involvement:
  • Encourage “see something, say something” like a merchant version of Neighborhood Watch

  • Put the criminals on alert that we are proactively doing something to address crime downtown

  • Share packet on best practices for combatting shoplifting 

Hardening Systems to Reduce Crime Downtown:

  • COMMUNITY BASED: install security cameras downtown. Not to be watched 24/7 (to protect against privacy concerns), but available for review when an incident occurs. Partnership opportunity with BBC and DT merchants to raise funds to be matched by the town/community and included as part of budget planning.

  • BUSINESS BASED: work with BBC to see about having a consultant visit businesses with suggestions on how to increase security in individual buildings/shops. The Bennington Police Department can also do a security review but needs to be scheduled in advance and is dependent on available staffing levels at the time. There is a 8-10 minute window before police arrive… how to delay burglars. Give advice on security camera systems and what is required for legal requirements to prosecute. 



  • Town of Bennington

  • BPD - Bennington Police Department

  • BBC - Better Bennington Corporation

  • CPARB - Community Policing Advisory Review Board


  • Engage the Downtown merchants to provide feedback for what this initiative should accomplish and how

  • Develop strategy for possible rollout of initiative to engage community, build support for the idea, engage businesses to help with funding for cameras if desired, and reach out to partners.

  • Seek Support from the Select Board

  • Get estimate for costs for a system of security cameras downtown in case it is wanted.

Your Input and Suggestions

Do you support pursuing the idea of cameras in Downtown?
What new marketing initiatives are you interested in??

Thanks for sharing your Input!

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Everyone Benefits from a Healthy Downtown

The mission of the Better Bennington Corporation is to lead and support public and private efforts that enhance downtown as the vital commercial and cultural heart of the community.

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215 South Street
Bennington, Vermont 05201


T: (802) 442-5758


© 2024 Better Bennington Corporation | Website by Ahmad Yassir

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