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Donors & Sponsors
Everyone Benefits from a Healthy and Vibrant Downtown
The Better Bennington Corporation is a 501(c)(3) making all corporate sponsorship and donation contributions tax-deductible to the extent of the law. This may be a tax-deductible contribution, but more importantly, consider it a valuable marketing expense. You will gain wide exposure and connect your company's name with family-friendly events that have an emphasis on the arts and children.
Below are the levels of donation and sponsorship that may suit your needs, but if you would like us to design a sponsorship program that better suits the needs of your company please let us know and we will create one that provides the most benefits to your corporate giving mission.
"Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present"
~ Albert Camus

Donation Levels
Sponsorship Levels
Listing in the Donor Section of this page
Tax-Deductible Benefits
Listing in the Donor Section of this page
$25 Downtown Dollars (can be donated back to BBC to give away)
Tax-Deductible Benefits
Listing in the Donor Section of this page
$50 Downtown Dollars (can be donated back to BBC to give away)
Tax-Deductible Benefits
Bronze Sponsorship
Listing on 2023 Sponsor page of the BBC website
Verbal recognition at the sponsored event
$25 "Downtown Dollars"
Tax-deductible Benefits
Silver Sponsorship
Listing on 2023 Sponsor page of the BBC website
Verbal recognition at the sponsored event
Recognition of sponsorship in all digital/print marketing & press release of event
$50 "Downtown Dollars"
Sponsorship table at the event
Tax-deductible Benefits
Gold Sponsorship
Listing & logo on the 2023 Sponsor page
of the BBC website
Verbal recognition at the sponsored event
Recognition of sponsorship in all event signage, digital/print marketing and press releases of sponsored event
Recognition in three 2023 BBC newsletters
Business link on BBC website and social media
Verbal recognition at the BBC Annual
Membership Meeting
$100 "Downtown Dollars"
Sponsorship table at the event
Tax-deductible Benefitsts
Platinum Sponsorship
Listing and logo on the 2023 BBC website
Verbal recognition at ALL 2023 events
Recognition of sponsorship in all event signage, digital/print marketing and press releases for ALL events
Recognition in all 2023 BBC newsletters
Business link on BBC website and social media
Business signage at at BBC signature events
(Mayfest & Harvest Fest)
Slide of sponsorship at BBC Annual
Membership Meeting
Verbal recognition at the annual meeting and at the budget presentation to the Select Board
$250 "Downtown Dollars"
If sponsor is an automobile dealership, a car may be displayed at Mayfest & Harvest Fest
Personal introduction to entertainment
if applicable
Sponsorship table at Mayfest and Harvest Fest
Tax-deductible Benefits
Business Membership
If Corporate Sponsorship is not an option at this time, please consider becoming a Business Member of the BBC which will also help us to fulfill our mission to keep downtown a vital and active part of our community.
Information on becoming a Business Member can be found on our Membership page.
Our 2023 Donors
Our 2023 Sponsors
Manindra N. Ghosh, M.D. PLLC
Katie Cleaver Blacksmith